Does anyone have a diagram, or can pinpoint the location of the wirea for the turn signals, and the brake light?
I have some aftermarket led underglow installed, and it has options to sync the lights with the turn signals and brake lights, but I am not sure which wires they are.
I have the wiring diagram for the older models. The post 2020 models (3 vs. III) don't use a flasher unit, flasher control is part of the ECU so flash rates can be adjusted (my 2022 Speed Triple has that function). Page 46 of your owners manual discusses use of the joystick handlebar switch for turn indicator operation. The physical harness that has the brake light and turn indicators should be between the rear fender tray and fender. Someone that's installed LEDs should probably chime in here.
I'm starting to think the led kit just doesn't work properly with the left turn and braking function, since the right turn works perfectly fine, but when I attach the brake or left turn it goes straight to the color for that mode and doesn't change.
I'm starting to think the led kit just doesn't work properly with the left turn and braking function, since the right turn works perfectly fine, but when I attach the brake or left turn it goes straight to the color for that mode and doesn't change.
Because of ECU CAN BUS is locked on this bike and no body has been able to put after market brake lights, you need to find someone who can hack the ECU to make it work, even companies who used to make aftermarket brake lights are not able to make one so far for this 2.5 rockets brake lights are being controlled by ABS computer, there are no ordinary brake light switch on broth front and rear brake lever on this bike.
if you find one who has done it, I am curious how because no body has been able to bleed ABS pump without going to dealer yet, I have all software on market which so called claimed to bleed ABS on this bike but they are saying now, "sorry"
good luck
I have mentioned it several times here but here it is again, because of ECU CAN BUS is locked no body has been able to put after market brake lights, you need to go to a ECU hacker to make it work, even companies who used to make are not able to make one so far for this 2.5 rockets brake lights are being controlled by ABS computer, there are no ordinary brake light switch on any lever on this bike.
good luck
Well they arnt aftermarket brake lights, just led underglow that is supposed to have a function that turns the lights red if you hit your brake, and flash yellow when you use a turn signal. The flashing yellow works perfectly when I use the right turn signals, but not left, or brake mode.
Well they arnt aftermarket brake lights, just led underglow that is supposed to have a function that turns the lights red if you hit your brake, and flash yellow when you use a turn signal. The flashing yellow works perfectly when I use the right turn signals, but not left, or brake mode.