I'll have to post some pictures but I don't want to get it dirty....yet. I brought it home in the back of the pickup truck and put it in the garage.
The KLR is totally made in Tawain, probably in the vicinity of the Triumph factory. It'a a real bargain at 5200 bucks though the 'dohickey' needs to be replaced along with a few other items. The '08 KLR's are supposed to be reworked so they don't use oil at highway speeds. I read a couple of road tests and the testers say the bike is capable of just about 100 per but will cruise at 80 all day and get good fuel mileage. The mileage thing is gonna be a big plus as the year goes on. Looks like the price of regular will top 4 bucks a gallon this summer, maybe even going higher. On road diesel is already in the high 3's but of course you are paying for that at the grocery store already. I read in the newspaper a few days ago that Bush wasn't aware of the upward trend in gas prices......Is Bush aware of anything?
The KLR is like the Volkswagen Beetle. There are literally hundreds of bolt on acessories from aluminum suitcase style Panniers to serreated foot pegs. Kawasaki sells a complete, integrated soft luggage system which, interestingly costs less than the Triumph Panniers.
It's a nice, relatively cheap (in todays weak dollar market) motorcycle. I'm outta room at 3. I'll have to add on if I get any more which I suspect I won't.