Both water pump hoses are nearly flat!?

I bought a new one. It's on the way along with new hoses.
Just replaced my hoses on my 08 rocket , 100k on the clock and first hose replacement, don’t trust the original hoses as they are crap , mine went the other way and ballooned only on the water pump , go silicone, and make sure you re tighten the clamps after your first ride . Good luck
I had to remove the set screw completely to get the cap off on my 09 R3T I had purchased the blue SAMCO kit prior to my friend Cameron taking possession of the bike. He installed them and a couple were a bit testy. As others have said, follow the directions very carefully. A bit of Dawn dish soap on the inside of the hose helped to get them over the inlet/outlets.

And absolutely retorque in accordance with the instructions. I was with Cam when he did it and we were both surprised at how the clamp screw turned after running it up to full operating temp.
Just to comment, Don't blame Triumph OEM hoses if they collapse. Replacing them with any quality hose won't fix the problem.

Unless rad hoses are reinforced with wire on the inside, they will collapse if the rad cap refuses to vent while the engine cools. This goes for Samco, Triumph OEM, Dayco, Goodyear etc etc etc.....

Glad you purchased a cap.... I'd love to see what causes the venting action in a cap to fail.
It's not the venting while hot that causes the collapse, it's the flow of water back from the overflow to the radiator as it cools. If the small spring in the center that opens the little tiny pin hole gets corroded or sticky it'll stop flow, then the water cools, and now you've a vacuum in the system.

As @Gregger mentions, any hose can collapse. I was sucking the SAMCO pump inlet hose flat at sustained high RPM last fall, put on a stock one, no more hot engine issues.

As an option, the KTM part number I post for the 1.4 bar cap essentially stop the overflow venting all together. Coolant stayed at 94.1C exactly while cruising between 90 and 120 for a whole tank of gas crossing AZ, not a drop has dribbled out since I filled it. Have run the 1.4bar more than a year now with no issues.
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As @Gregger mentions, any hose can collapse. I was sucking the SAMCO pump inlet hose flat at sustained high RPM last fall, put on a stock one, no more hot engine issues.
So you're saying changing hose fixed your hot engine issue????