Border Crossing Info

I did a bit over 9,000 miles over a period of 5 weeks with various riders while in the States last year and I can tell you there were days when I was glad to get off the bike!!! I think one of the longer days was with Lupe @mexican when we went west we did over 600 miles in one day, t'was a long day indeed
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I reckon you should follow the lead from @RKTNMYPKT - wear chaps like him and fit a real 'bucket' seat filled to the brim with monkey butt cream. The chaps could still secure your gear into your boot otherwise it would look like a KC tanker flying a 'boom' .

I've got a set of chaps just like that!
I generally dont wear pants under them though...........


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Too many miles for me. My butt could probably stand it thanks to my airhawk infatable seat cushion...but my poor old back would never make it.

Much respect R3Tex. Ride smart and ride safe.
Long distance riding is pretty much like anything else...once you learn the tricks and get some practice in its not nearly as bad as it seems when you knew nothing about it. Here's a few tips...

1.) Don't speed (well too much anyway). Most bikes get their best mileage at some speed less than 90 mph. Figure out what that speed is and drive that speed as much as possible regardless of what the speed limit is. Over a long distance this will eliminate fuel stops which will decrease your overall time to complete the miles. After a while you get a feel for best time by balancing speed vs mileage.

2.) Stick to interstate highways. Even if it is a little out of the way. Helps fuel mileage by running a constant speed over time and keeps you out of traffic (for the most part)...and I've learned that I can't get nearly the mileage out of a tank of gas riding on the throttle that my cruise control can so long straight stretches with less traffic are built for making up time.

3.) Set up a bike specifically for long distance if you can. It is amazing how the smallest thing that is a minor irritant on a day ride can blow up into a major problem over a long distance. Bar angle for can live with it on a day ride, but it will kill you when riding 1,000 miles a day for 10 days straight. I have tried to set up a Rocket as my long distance ride, but I just can't seem to get it right. I'm going to try a couple more mods and if that doesn't work there will probably be a heavily modified '09 Standard up for sale. Looking at the two bikes I have ridden long distance they both seem similarly set up. The Rocket has a custom seat, cruise control, windshield, etc. The Ultra Classic has the same but also has comms, stereo, a full fairing, an air cushioned seat that I can inflate or deflate while riding, etc. Two things are knocking the Rocket out right now...not as comfortable and I can't seem to get more than 6,000 miles out of a back tire.

4.) Watch what you eat and drink. Caffeine and sugar tend to be killers for me. Both wake me up and both make me crash at some point. I usually drink lots of water and eat protein heavy meals. I keep almonds where I can reach them on the bike so I tend to snack a lot during the day while riding and not eat a large meal 2 or 3 times a day

5.) Find a riding partner who is as stupid as you are and can be talked into riding like this with relative ease. Riding down the highway chatting over the radio about your shared misery helps more than you might believe

Anyway...probably more than you guys ever wanted to know about this bull$hit.

Dang @R3Tex - You be one tuff hombre!
Wishing you good fortune & good times on your journey. It'd be cool to get to meet you someday! Up or down I-45, give or take a few hundred miles ......... Or a lot less since I'm not that hard core

Pretty much the same as my 11,500 mile in 6 week cross country ride two years ago.
Twas my first ever ride over three weeks and I was concerned about being gone from home so long.
It was so much fun that after the 3rd week or so, I could have continued for another few weeks at least.
And you did that in an old Harley
And you did that in an old Harley

NOBODY has claimed Harleys were not comfy!
Just S-L-O-W!
Note that Morris is riding his Hog, not his Rocket on his upcoming IBA Mexico to Canada ride.