Bah, work commitments If nothing else can be support crew through N. Texas if needed.
Depending on what time you roll through Fort Worth might tag along for a tank or 2
Thanks, Morris!
I didn't know twas BOTH WAYS!!! HOLY $HIT!
Are you familiar with masochism?
Do you like her to frequently whip & beat you?
Just askin' . . .
Thanks, Morris!
I didn't know twas BOTH WAYS!!! HOLY $HIT!
Are you familiar with masochism?
Do you like her to frequently whip & beat you?
Just askin' . . .
Yeah...I know...probably a stupid thing to do just for a patch, but I need a couple more registered rides to qualify for the Ironbutt rally next year. Now that is really crazy $hit. It is billed as 11,000 miles in 11 days, but the guy that won last year rode something crazy like 17,000 in 11 days.
You can take a gun.
Need prior authorization from Canada, disclose gun to customs.
No guns with 4" or less barrels. Other prohibited firearms. Gun must be secured and no open or concealed carry allowed.
Fines, outright gun loss or worse to violate Canadian law.
Thought I was doing ok Florida to Arizona in less than 3 days. 16 hours one day.
What is that stuff? Monkey Butt cream?
Yeah...I know...probably a stupid thing to do just for a patch, but I need a couple more registered rides to qualify for the Ironbutt rally next year. Now that is really crazy $hit. It is billed as 11,000 miles in 11 days, but the guy that won last year rode something crazy like 17,000 in 11 days.
Oh, and I know this is blasphemous, but the Redheaded Slut and The Blue ***** will both be staying in the barn for this trip. This is basically a shake down cruise for my Ultra Classic which I plan on riding in the IBA rally next year