Bollocks - Transmission failure.

Barnett kit ordered. It is now "just" a waiting game.
And a small "bollocks".

Seller has replied. They actually do not have one - And the Barnett distributor for the UK/Europe says another 3 weeks because they have none.
So order cancelled. If I see another (in Europe) before the Triumph parts arrive - well, we'll see. If not the original is still WELL within spec.
Well, that's a bummer. Seems as if this poor old world is in a bad spiral. I've noticed the pawn shops in my area have full parking lot's, garage sales everywhere. Strange people walking the streets as if they are looking for something? "AND" the detent spring on my 05 popped, yesterday! It's the one I had all apart, and installed the Barnett kit. I had a new spring at the time, but the old one looked OK. I'm sorry now.
Now isn't that just SOD's law! Well, you do have the necessary knowledge to repair and don't forget that all the practise will help in future expeditions!
t's the one I had all apart, and installed the Barnett kit. I had a new spring at the time, but the old one looked OK. I'm sorry now.
I'll bet!. I want the bits here so I can get on with things - and I will ask a spring mfr if he can see a way to upgrade this somehow.
New news. Went out this morning, and was about to put my 05 (61,000 miles) up on stands, in prep for pulling the front cover, and decided to take it for a ride, just to get a better idea of what's going on. Now I'm glad I didn't tear her back apart. I have a weird situation. I have slop in the shifter lever, up only. Pushing down gently, I can feel the detent spring. In other words, push it down a 1/4 to 1/2", and it springs back. Only some slop (free play) on raising the lever. Ever since I've had it, sometimes I have to double click it up, to get into 3rd or 4th, but has never tried to slip out of any gear. Must be something with the shift drum, or forks, or sumpthin ??? Anyhow, it runs great, and I ain't tearing into it, just yet.
Sounds like the selector return spring -

i.e the one NOT broken in this photo

IIRC @Nat67 had something similar.

I order one to replace that as well when the detent spring arrives