Bollocks - Transmission failure.

Well as expected - local stealer hasn't even got the balls to pick up the phone or reply to e-mail.
Still no reply - Called Triumph Spain to make a noise. They are going to give them a kick.
Made it real clear that if not - I will bypass Triumph Spains's revenue stream and explain to Triumph UK why.

So assuming the worse would you lot recommend WoT or Fowlers?

You can now see why I will generally search for top quality pattern parts rather than go to Triumph. Not the cost - but the absolute ****e service.
If going with WOT phone them to make sure part availability and get them to commit to delivery date.
Chris, I have used WoT on a few occasions but not Fowlers. Both seem to have the same pricing structure with quite a hefty delivery charge. It is imperative you ring to check stock levels... When you look at the websites, if I didn't know any better, I would think that they are the same company. Maybe just a prerequisite from Triumph perhaps to sell their parts, who knows! Good luck in your mission
Well the subversive kicking did the trick.

Dealer called and emailed. About what I expected so order confirmed.
Will take 5 days at least - i.e not this week. I'm working over the coming weekend so no problem really.
Hoping by Wednesday - so I can pop down and collect; and rebuild Thursday onwards.

I will now have to be patient -
To aussage the stress - I need Mr @bigprop to convince me that a Barnett Clutch is necesary.
Whilst there is still masses of meat on the current plates - my brain tells me I¨ll be sorry if I don´t do it.

Well sir I must admit I am happy with Barnett clutch so far. Feels lighter on the clutch lever and gear changes seem smoother. This could be due to the fact that my clutch was worn . I have only owned the bike since last April and only putting just over 5000 miles on her. Could be I know no difference. As never riding a rocket before this one. My decision was based on if new clutch needed why not upgrade Barnett had good reviews,cost acceptable, delivery was quick and shouldn't have to worry about opening her up again for a while hopefully. Hope this helps you. (Oh and you got a spare clutch if you and mr Barnett don't get on)
OK - I see no dark clouds for the silver lining.
I installed the Barnett clutch kit w/springs in one of my 05's and liked it so much, I ordered a second kit for my other 05. Going from the springs in the 05 models to the Barnett springs will be noticeable in the clutch lever, but not much. If you set a Barnett spring next to a stock 05 spring, you'll see the difference. I got both my kits from Amazon.