Bollocks - Transmission failure.

If you havent found the other piece yet look in the front of the sump pan there is a good divet for things to fall into
More surgery tomorrow. Next door neighbour has just lent me his windy tool and I have the 30mm nut off.

But it's getting to the state where

1) I'm aching a bit too much to carry on.
2) I can't actually see anything even with my glasses.

So discretion suggests I call it a day and use god's light again tomorrow. But ****! I am glad I bought the compressor.

If you havent found the other piece yet look in the front of the sump pan there is a good divet for things to fall into
But not small bolts it would seem.

Once you've tried black......................
It was that or BLUE or wait 8 weeks.
And lets have a view of the detent wheel to see if its the updated smaller diameter roller bearing style with the short spring. (Number of coil wraps is different then the original.

What sayeth the oracle. New one or old?

Still not found the other bit - which is a bit peeving.

But see no point in taking any more off until I have new parts. Unless one of the guru's insists.

From the diagrams and what I have now seen - I THINK there is scope here for an improvement

Something along the lines of

But I will need a good new spring to base tension on

Would be much easier if I had a Piano Man close (@idk ) - Could MAKE ONE.