Bobber event

what days you planning on being there?only going to have a couple days but could plan it so we can meet up i hope. be great to meet up with you,if you keep youre shorts on in the hot tub

I haven't actually made any plans at all to be there, I just figured if you were going to be there I'd meet you there, buy you a beer.

What days are you planning on attending?
I haven't actually made any plans at all to be there, I just figured if you were going to be there I'd meet you there, buy you a beer.

What days are you planning on attending?
really have no idea what days or if i can make it at all but do have high intentions of going if all the planets are lined up right, like me if youre going to be there i would die trying to meet up,seems to me i am the one that owes a few beers
I haven't actually made any plans at all to be there, I just figured if you were going to be there I'd meet you there, buy you a beer.

What days are you planning on attending?
mecum auctions at southpoint casino&events jan. 25 thru 28
@breeze @RKTNMYPKT figure out some dates. I'm sure I will be looking for a ride by then
might be winter weather in spots (flagstaff)that time of year but you texans are tough i heard, have a sister and 3 nieces in vegas area ones a travel agent might find a few good deals if theres any to be had in vegas
Sweet...I don't really have any time constraints so when you and Jim figure out dates I will plan accordingly
mecum auctions at southpoint casino&events jan. 25 thru 28

Sweet...I don't really have any time constraints so when you and Jim figure out dates I will plan accordingly

I just registered for the triumph deal in Las Vegas for January 24 I can hang out in the Vegas area until around the 28th or the 29th.

Let me know what works for you guys and I can start working on reservations somewhere.

I have found that it's hard to stay anywhere on an Indian without a reservation
Im in, Jim, find me a room, the cheaper the better, i will also need a tourist guide, prefer female and good looking