Bluetooth headsets

I love my Scala. It was nice being connected with my son on our last ride together
Jim, my friend your looking at this wrong. No fancy blue tooth stuff he is a youngster he will figure out mute. Now what you really need is

Even works for those pesky cagers on their phones

Tell him its a new game called keep the bucket full !!!!!!
I have had/used half dozen of these over the years.
The Sena SMH 20s has been the best.

If all you want is to communicate with your passenger son without all the bells & whistles, there are much less expensive options.
Perhaps consider this dual setup:
It is quite a journey for his first long distance ride , take it nice and easy plenty of stops to hydrate and stretch the legs, he will be fine looking forward to meeting both of you

Trust me -
Josh, Jim's older boy, is a real good, and ALL, boy . . . in spite of his wild-ass Daddy!
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I use the SENA 10R with the handle bar remote. I also have th SENA SMH10 and they pair up well and very clear. They are also very slim so minimal wind drag. SENA also have a set that is nearly invisible as it is designed for particular helmets
Jim,I went with the HBC 200, I’m open face rider,liked the fact that it was a boomlees system,tuck the mike system under the liner of the helmet. Easy to hook up to other brands etc. I would get my wife’s music going in the earbud,then program the navigation from her phone into it,she loved it. Good battery life,clear on the two way function.