Blue Power Ranger [Wout] Update


Top Fuel
Mar 8, 2006
Carthage N.C. U.S.A.
Had a request for info about my friend Wout's recovery from his crash. He goes to therapy 3-4 times a week and he really works hard. He is slowly regaining more use of his right hand. His speech had gotten slurred for a while, and the Doctors ran him through all kinds of tests, but everything showed good. His speech has cleared up some now, but still has a long way to go. He talks in a monotone for the most part, with very little inflection. Watched some old video the other day and hearing him speak in his pre-crash voice was quite a shock.
Amy is still as awesome as ever in taking care of him. We held a fund-raiser for the 2 of them last weekend, [Which I realize now that I should have posted here.] and raised 3,600 dollars. He has been turned down for disability by the gov., and Amy has her lawyer working on it. Maybe they will approve of his next application? [I am temped to say something REALLY politically incorrect here, but I'll bite my tongue.]
I'll try to post some updated pics soon.
Keep plugging Wout and things will work out. They always deny the initial claim kind of part of the process if you will. Very glad to hear he is progressing and keep him and family in my thoughts and prayers.
Thanks for the Update

I was just getting ready to ask about him. What a " Trooper " both of them are to hang in there and not give up both with rehab and compensation. Give them my best wishes and keep us posted.

Is there an address you can post so some of us could send a card to them?
That's really good to hear about his recovery and continued improvement, please let them know that the wife and I continue to include them in our prayers. As you know I suffered many of the same injuries that Wout did, I never bothered to file for government assistance, but I did get Handicap tags for the cages and the Rock, thanks to the efforts of my doctor.