Blew a coolant line

Wow that's surprising. I had already been checking them out but they're a U.K.-based company... I thought it would be 2 weeks for delivery.
Well I tried to order a set of hoses tonight from them but they didn't want to accept any of my cards, and the only way to reach them is to call their int'l long distance ph#.

Sorry to hear this, same hose as when mine ble, also a 2014. SAMCO, such cheap insurance to not get stranded!

The SAMCOs are, uh, a bit of a pain to fit compared to the stockers. Hopefully you'll only ever have to do it once.

Glad you caught it before it caused engine failure or an accident.
I got VERY fast shipping on my Samco order too! I haven't installed them yet, as mine is a 2013, and I'm scarred of the "bleeding process" to get all the air out afterwards. Also wondering, how did you get your bike up on the "ramp" tow truck?
I got VERY fast shipping on my Samco order too! I haven't installed them yet, as mine is a 2013, and I'm scarred of the "bleeding process" to get all the air out afterwards. Also wondering, how did you get your bike up on the "ramp" tow truck?

Well ya bastards ordered all the Samco kits out of stock!! From the Samco rep at this morning:

"Unfortunately I am currently out of stock of all colors of TRI-1 hose kit, please accept our apologies for this..."
As for loading up the bike on the tow truck, @cootertwo, the operator just slid the bed back, angled it downward, and I fired up the bike and rode it up (same as when I had a flat in Seattle two months ago). Once I was halfway up, I put the front brake on and stood there while the operator leveled the bed and slid it forward. Then I putted forward a few feet and he tied it down. There's also a winch in the front of the bed that I suppose could be tied to the triple tree to pull the bike up the ramp if it's inoperable.
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My bike is a 2010 Roadster and mine has never blown and I have never changed the hoses. Now noticing that the hoses that blew are on 2014 and (mostly) later Roadsters.... got to say that there was some bad hoses put on these bikes..... is my guess anyways.

You guys that changed your hoses what needs to be ordered to do the job? I noticed it was mentioned about a new O-ring for the pump hosing.... anything else... is the O-ring really need to be replaced? Once these Somco hoses come back in stock I might change mine out. My bike being a 10 model I figure I'm riding on borrowed time.
The worst part about blowing a coolant line is when the coolant sprays in your mouth
To complete the job I needed the hose kit, a few worn drive clamps, and coolant. Bleeding was nothing, fill it via radiator cap, when full I closed the cap, filled the bottle 1/2 way and started it.

Let it get to temp, add coolant to overflow bottle to the full mark. Rode around and it was fine. The worm drive clamps were required, I couldn't get some of the stock clamps on over the hoses, they are thicker than stockers.

The radiator removal seems a bit daunting at first, but it's actually super easy.
I installed my Samco kit without removing the water pump cover. So didn't need that o ring. I did order and replace the small o ring that goes on the chrome tube that goes into the block.