
Happy Bday mate, i have 10 yrs to catch you and hopefully you will still be throwing it into the corners
Well, you sure got me on a technicality there (too much catnip!), Steverino, however, the 9 lives thing, as you know, is the Gospel:

Hey, Amigo, I just did the reverse math out of curiosity!
Never have heard anything regarding the length of each life.
So naturally I wished to prevent any calumny to the felines and simply wished to clarify.
I attempt not to oblatrate, only to inquire as the quidnunc I be!
Sounds disgusting mate ... hahaha. Good to have you back on board , get the new house completed ??

No new house here..built mine back in '98. Perhaps you're thinking of someone else? Anyhow, I think you'd enjoy the Stout..if life ever finds you in Minnesota do stop in..drinks on me
No new house here..built mine back in '98. Perhaps you're thinking of someone else? Anyhow, I think you'd enjoy the Stout..if life ever finds you in Minnesota do stop in..drinks on me

Was mistaken about the house ... doubt i'll ever be in your kneck of the woods but appreciate the offer.
Happy birthday for yesterday Trev hope it was a good one . Happy birthday to Bruce for last week and happy birthday to ponters for today
Happy Birthday TC! Let's see you double that number now...