Hey, Amigo, I just did the reverse math out of curiosity!
Never have heard anything regarding the length of each life.
So naturally I wished to prevent any calumny to the felines and simply wished to clarify.
I attempt not to oblatrate, only to inquire as the quidnunc I be!
No new house here..built mine back in '98. Perhaps you're thinking of someone else? Anyhow, I think you'd enjoy the Stout..if life ever finds you in Minnesota do stop in..drinks on me
No new house here..built mine back in '98. Perhaps you're thinking of someone else? Anyhow, I think you'd enjoy the Stout..if life ever finds you in Minnesota do stop in..drinks on me
Happy birthday @ponters. I hope things work out for the better for you. Yes thanks @Evil Mitch I was 52 on the 3rd that's how I remember @TOMCAT has his on the 6th.
Happy birthday @ponters. I hope things work out for the better for you. Yes thanks @Evil Mitch I was 52 on the 3rd that's how I remember @TOMCAT has his on the 6th.