Bird gloves

Even creating an account it still does not give shipping options. Check your PMs

If too much trouble, no worries. They may eventually open up shipping to the USA.
WOW, Ish!
Was not aware they have 5 longass, sharp claws on each foot!
Do they rip prey up with those scary looking things?

Well they have a few and a very long central one. When they get cornered by dingos or dogs they enter the nearest water body and using their very strong forearms to grasp and drown the attackers.

They also use those long toes and powerful kicks to disembowel attacking dogs and humans.
Even creating an account it still does not give shipping options. Check your PMs

If too much trouble, no worries. They may eventually open up shipping to the USA.

They have replied with a phone number to ring and discuss tomorrow or Sunday, so I'll check out the International options then as well.
I spoke to the Manager of their physical shop today in Brisbane and he said the new online option to cater for US and UK buyers is a process started last week and still being organised. Once ready it will provide postage rates for International sales on checkout.
The pre-order pricing on these gloves will stay open until next Thurs and he said I could ring Monday and speak to the online despatch person who should be able to get a pair to @WyldCFH direct. He does not have access to their online despatch system himself. Not sure whether I will pay here and get back from @WyldCFH or if they will enable an account for direct payment etc. I'll update after I speak to them again Monday.
I created an account... tried to order a large pair without success and then contacted them for assistance. John from customer service told me know they don't ship to the US of A because it is "...far too expensive." Seemed like a strange answer when their shipping policy states otherwise. I guess they should not have let me even create an account; what's the point??? Ah well...
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Wait till next week when I contact them Monday. They only started the International sales process last week and should not have started by posting a page suggesting it was available.
Wait till next week when I contact them Monday. They only started the International sales process last week and should not have started by posting a page suggesting it was available.

I spoke to Shawnee the lass running despatch and she advised the system will not be up and running before the Pre-order period finishes Thursday. They will still be available after that but may progressively increase in price until they arrive in 5-6 weeks. By then and possibly well before, the new international sales process will be fully enabled.

When it is ready it will be an additional Au$35 for postage to the USA.

Got it. Thanks for letting us know!