Bird gloves

3X !!!
Heck, that'll take 3 roos!
Even more when they just use the testicle leather. Remember not to rub it though or a F*cckin big and angry 'Old Man Roo' Genie will emerge and smash the crap out of you!

See the last 2 minutes of this Rocky 6 doco and they are the little eastern Greys, the Desert Red Roos are at least a foot or more taller and much heavier too.

Kangaroo Scrotum Pouch
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If you wouldn't mind, I'd be happy to have a pair of 3x.

PM me how you want to take care of the payment and I'll make it good.

Yeah, no problems but I just checked the website and they do ship to the USA and UK if you prefer to register an account and then contact them yourself.
Create New Customer Account - Shark Motorcycle Leathers
International Shipping - Shark Motorcycle Leathers

I have also sent them an enquiry if I can add another pair of 3XL to my order w/o paying another $9 postage and as they are still available for $69 expect a reply soon.

REMEMBER though these are pre-order and I would expect a 6 week wait.
WOW, Ish!
Was not aware they have 5 longass, sharp claws on each foot!
Do they rip prey up with those scary looking things?
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You drunk? I'm on my way too but now were near as incoherent!

Was was supposed to be the first word.
Apologies that that overtaxed yer pickled brain.
Was was supposed to be the first word.
Apologies that th
at overtaxed yer pickled brain.

Poo too yoo too!

2/3rds of a bottle of scotch now and my strict anal compulsion for spelling correctness has been diminished incrementally!