Bikes Blues and Bbq nuff said

Kevin; How are the accommodations going. Do you have a place. Is there space for a straggler? I might get energy to go with this small crowd. Since I am not sure to go, I have not made a reservation.
Everyday I go to work I'm around people from all over not just the country but the world. Have no idea about anybody's vaccination status. Hate playing Russian Roulette but no choice gotta do it. Missouri governor says we're all lazy so cut us off relief back in mid June even though there was no work to get back too. Work 'picked up for awhile in mid August but is crapping out again thanks to the "D". Is it any wonder I need a good ride!
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My sister in law lost the russian roulette but survived the gun-shot. 7 days in the hospital very sick. We'll see if she recovers completely. No insurance... the bills will kill her. I got pretty sick from the second jab. Thinking twice about da buster.
Felt bad after both Moderna shots but I'll be first in line for a booster. I lost my insurance as well but I'm carrying a Obummer care policy with a $9000 deductible just so I won't be bankrupted.
Kevin; How are the accommodations going. Do you have a place. Is there space for a straggler? I might get energy to go with this small crowd. Since I am not sure to go, I have not made a reservation.
spider creek is where we booked, my cabin is full but if someone drops out i will certainly let you know Ric.
Felt bad after both Moderna shots but I'll be first in line for a booster. I lost my insurance as well but I'm carrying a Obummer care policy with a $9000 deductible just so I won't be bankrupted.
I didnt think you had insurance, this is awesome news, now we can really crack the whip in Arkansas in the hills and wont have to worry any. Gonna get 15mpg on this rally Gary
That’s exactly what you need! A good RIDE