@Mad Dog mentioned it to me and ive mentioned to others that said cool im retired anyway. spider creek probaly gonna book quick but it doesn’t matter where i stay, im easy as long as i get to go i dont care. ive scheduled my vacation that week so hopefully and im gonna be positive im gonna be in them hills that week. If nobody else shows i know youll take me round them hills for some fun runnin. only other thang i really wanna do is go see Blackie
Guys, do you realize is only the 3rd day of january? Mr Mouse, take a plane when time comes, i have plenty of beans to eat, a spare bedroom and a spare bike that you can ride, i will give you a tour around my back yard and will visit a few members while at it. My adobes are humble but mi casa es su casa
That is a very considerate offer Lupe. You realize as soon as I pull up your property value will drop. I do love the blues, BBQ , Bikes and the alcohol that follows. Thanks again my friend and I know it would be fun hanging out with you, Dr.D and a ton of others on here.
Hundreds of resorts like places. Not resorts as in taj mahal but google spider creek for a reference, its ok place, theyre nicer for sure but many accommodations around. it canceled last year I believe so who knows this year but its tight technical riding for sure in the hills round there. supposedly the rally is awesome
Hundreds of resorts like places. Not resorts as in taj mahal but google spider creek for a reference, its ok place, theyre nicer for sure but many accommodations around. it canceled last year I believe so who knows this year but its tight technical riding for sure in the hills round there. supposedly the rally is awesome
Better places around here, as i said, if you guys are interested i will start searching for a good place, i know some very small towns that would be delighted to have their only motel (10 room) booked, we can do the BBB plus the Talamena
Mel, there are plenty of towns close by to stay, and plenty of 5 star hotels for you and Sandy, for as mere mortals motel 6,8 10 or 12 will do just fine