Bike Week in Daytona Beach 02-29-08

Harley sale

For those who might be interested! Rossmyer is having an auction this Sunday. All bikes have reserve numbers but less than retail. There might be a deal or two if you are looking for a Harley.
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Thanks for the Auction Update

Even Though I am not looking for a Harley and Super Happy with my Rocket the auction idea is always fun...and living 10 minutes away will be there!


Will try to get over to Des-a-Daytona and hook up with a few rocket riders. I think Gary, Scott, Richard and a few more are planning on going.
gotta see the world, it will only take a minute
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Sounds Like the Triumph Tent on Saturday!!!!

Good talking to you guys - sounds like Saturday by Noon at the Triumph Tent - at the Speedway in Daytona....YALL ride safe - Going to have a Rocket BLAST!

Dale 386 846 7002
Not sure if I am going to see any of you guys. I am arriving in Daytona by way of US1 on Monday morning sometime, probably will stop at the EXPO center (or whatever it is called these days) to check out any new "stuff" that might be on display.

I will then probably ride over to the Triumph/Harley dealership and pick up a t-shirt, then head on out to the Speedway to and see of there is anything worth "demo" riding and see what the Triumph "mobile" has to offer. Then it is probably off to Hooters for a meal and then on to points west to Tampa or beyond till I find a decent low cost motel/hotel.

The next day will be spent cruising down the west coast of Florida, stop at the Triumph dealership in Ft. Myers...get a T-shirt, and then continue on down to either I-75 and go across the Everglades there or go further down to 41 and cross over to the east. Depending on the time of day I'll either bunk down somewhere at the head of the highway going down to the keys or keep going till around sunset.

Next day I'll be in Key West being a tourist and hopefully staying at the Navy Lodge on Dredgers Island. Maybe another meal at Hooters (figure at least I'll be in straight company anyway) and hit the sack.

Next day (should be Thursday) I'll start the return trip but this time after I get out of the Keys I'll probably go up 27, skirt Lake Okeechobee and get as far as I can stopping in Lakeland to help my sister in law buy a computer and then I'll be going Hwy 98 most of the way home.

If anyone wants to get ahold of me on Monday after about 10 AM you can reach me on my cell (850-261-3531). I am mainly passing thru Daytona for the most part, but I can stop for eats for a bit if any of you want to meet up at Hooters near I-95.

Daytona Weather Forecast: Monday night 40% rain, Tuesday 50% "Breezy". Tusday overnight Lows in lower 50s.

Note that these are today's figures for the time period. Expect percentage values to increase and breezy to become windy.

Expect another chance for thunderstorms on Friday and quite cold for Saturday Morning April 8th though it will warm up quickly.
Thanks Rocky, hopefully by Monday night I'll be on the otherside of the state near or south of Tampa. Of course I run the risk of riding thru the rain if it is coming from the west.
As I always say "it's only water". Remember we ran thru a bunch of those on the way up to Nashville last July...we dried out.
Beautiful weather

Wow what a beautiful bike week in the 80s and a short rain today...but good for 4 great days of biking......thanks Molioman, Freak, Don, Jim scott, had a great time at the Triumph tent!!! wondering where all the guys were that use this website???????