Bike Week in Daytona Beach 02-29-08


Jun 24, 2007
So who is leaving the beautiful white windy and cold weather up North to enjoy a rockin bike week???? In Sunny Florida!!!:p We Need Triumph Rockets!!!!! Any takers????
If everythings goes alright and the stars align properly I am planning on heading to Daytona on Sunday or Monday (March 2nd or 3rd). The main thing that is up in the air right now is my wife's mindset and physical condition after her surgery this Friday (2/15). But if she gives me the green light and feels like she can do without me for a week then I'll be going. I will be in Daytona for most of Monday or Tuesday and then I'll be going to Lakeland, spend the night there, then it's off to St. Petersburg and points south by way of Ft. Myers.
Then it'll be across Alligator Alley or 75 and then head south to Miami and then on to Key West. Get my picture, with the bike, taken at the "southern most point of the US, get a meal and then head on back up north. I should be home the next Saturday or Sunday.

Wish me luck,
First things first

My best to your wife...thats top priority!

Should you get down here, need anything, housing a beer? help on the road I am 10 minutes from Destination Daytona and that goes for anyone riding a triumph!!!Rocket! in Flagler beach 2 miles from the Ocean.:)

Phone is 386 846 7002

FB Have a safe RIDE! Mr M

Fellow "Cap-E-tans" I should be arriving in Daytona on the evening of the 29th. anytime thereafter I should be around. Feel free to give me a call on my cell which I will have with me. My number is 732-740-9800. I would look forward to meeting up with any and all!! Give me a shout.

Two, maybe three of us are going up March 1. We all live about an hour south of Daytona. The Triumph demo truck is at the speedway; we will probably head there at some point.
How about picking a time or day at the Triumph Demo

Any time fine with me......cell is 386-846 7002 I live here Flagler Beach..any need help or ideas let me know!!!

Any time fine with me......cell is 386-846 7002 I live here Flagler Beach..any need help or ideas let me know!!!


All I can tell you is that we are leaving Melbourne around 8:30AM and taking US1 up. So that would make it around 10:30-11:00:confused: So I'll give you a ring or you can call me, 321-243-8620, either way I'm sure we will run into each other.:eek:
Sounds like around Noon at the Triumph show on March 1st I'll call you too ----as Firday we will celibrate the main street daytona show......i do the DHL shipping for Mr Rossmeyer so if you stop there at the Arlen Ness store..say hello to Shella Rossmeyer let them know I sent ya...who sells Triumphs there....(right next to the Harley Destination Store) ....I call it a resort!!!! A new fantastic Coco Cola Entertainment center too.....