I have a 2011 rocket 3 touring ..I disconnected stereo that was wired thru headlight ..put it all together and when key is on .all dash lights are on and horn works. However I have no headlight and when I press the start button .it just clicks.any help would be appreciated .checked all the fuses
I have a 2011 rocket 3 touring ..I disconnected stereo that was wired thru headlight ..put it all together and when key is on .all dash lights are on and horn works. However I have no headlight and when I press the start button .it just clicks.any help would be appreciated .checked all the fuses
First the headlight is not a good circuit to put stereo on
seems like bad fuse.
measure voltage at fuse especially when lights are suppose to be on.
if you do not have enough volts to work headlights it for sure wont start.
First the headlight is not a good circuit to put stereo on
seems like bad fuse.
measure voltage at fuse especially when lights are suppose to be on.
if you do not have enough volts to work headlights it for sure wont start.
Battery is charged and fuses are all good ..there is no power at the headlight ..and the bike has the stereo on it when I bought It 4 yrs ago .was wondering if there was relay that I might have popped. It ran B4 I took stereo off
There should be a starter relay but it sounds like the trouble is before the relay. I am not used to giving advice on a touring so will have to check wiring diagram tomorrow.
There should be a starter relay but it sounds like the trouble is before the relay. I am not used to giving advice on a touring so will have to check wiring diagram tomorrow.
Thanks so much ..I believe I touched the hot wire to the housing assembly when I unhooked it ..but I have no voltage at the headlight or my fog lights and nothin when I hit my start button
Did you check the continuity across the fuses? I learned the hard way that they can look good and not be.
I put an Eastern Beaver Headlight bypass in mine, and it connects directly to the battery. It has it's own fuse. Might check for something like that if you haven't already.
Did you check the continuity across the fuses? I learned the hard way that they can look good and not be.
I put an Eastern Beaver Headlight bypass in mine, and it connects directly to the battery. It has it's own fuse. Might check for something like that if you haven't already.
Pull the fuses and look down in the plastic "fuse box" Sometimes the spade terminals get hot over time when excess current runs through them and the plastic melts either insulating or causing the terminal to back out and not make good contact with the fuse, causing an open circuit.
Pull the fuses and look down in the plastic "fuse box" Sometimes the spade terminals get hot over time when excess current runs through them and the plastic melts either insulating or causing the terminal to back out and not make good contact with the fuse, causing an open circuit.
I think that if you want to fix this you will have to start by using a volt meter.
if i have the correct wiring diagram ?
on fuses number 1 through number 7 should be battery voltage so with key off start checking at bat terminals and then 1 thru 7 fuses on both sides of fuse then post results.