So one question about lifts, and a dozen posts of nonsense, sounds about right...
Anyway, pardon me while I do something crazy and attempt to answer the question; in order to safely lift a Rocket you need some sort of blocks or a plate that attaches to the rear holes in the frame (in front of the rear wheels). Some people have welded up their own, and one elegant commercial one I'm aware of is a plate made by Kern-Stabi:
That creates a flat surface under the bike to lift it on. It doesn't have to be an entire plate though.
As for lifts that can lift it, obviously the Kern-Stabi lift, but that's expensive.
There are bike lifts to be had in the US too that can hoist the bike in the air, and this comes in handy for other things than winter storage - working on the bike, even cleaning and polishing.
In the US, you have your Sears lifts, your Harbor Freight, your Pitbull etc, tons of options. In Europe, not so many (I'm getting the Kern-Stabi, but have had other expenses lately and had to put it on hold).
Sears has a Craftsman Professional yellow similar one that handles 1500 lb.
Etc. The key is that adapter plate or lifting blocks for the Rocket, though, once you have that you can pick any lift with the appropriate capacity; quality and price level up to you.