Bike down deer dead.

Glad to hear that you and your nephew were able to endure that harsh game of deer tag.
Wos, glad you're ok, deer are tough. I haven't had the experience, but have hit racoons. Had one get between the front and rear, not sure how that happened, just kept the bike straight.

Glad ye are both Ok
At least ye won't go hungry for a while.
I like a bit of venison
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Hey just got onto this thread late. Glad you guys are no more than scratched up and walked away. Hope you heal up quickly . I always cringe when I see a "bike down" thread. Everyone be safe!

Ah yes, the Blackfeet Nation. I worked the ER there for a few years. We usually had our first motorcycle wreck in May. Then a pretty steady stream through the summer. When traveling from St Mary to Browning on 89 there was a blind off camber decreasing radius turn, it got a lot of people on bikes and cars.

As far as hitting a horse or cow there, I can guarantee that if you hit one and kill it they will turn out to be a prize winning bull or roping horse worth more than your car. It seems every animal that got hit was very special, not special enough to keep confined just special when it gets hit.

Where about on 89 was this turn?

Where about on 89 was this turn?

It would have been right about here

The problem with was the nice run up to speed you could get coming into the turn and then the off camber would screw you if you weren't expecting it.

The were talking about fixing it a long time ago, I left there in 2007.

That is what I suspected looking at the map. Thanks. That does look like the kind of curve which could easily bite someone not expecting it.