Bike down deer dead.

I am not sure...I think it was a doe. My nephew said bones were sticking out of would have tasted bad, road kill usually does.

I guess it depends on how hungry one is.

My father used to be a traveling salesman, and when I was out of school, I went with him, traveling around Alabama.

We hit a number of deer along the way, and in almost every case, someone would stop behind us, and ask if they could take the deer.

And as for hitting them -- I guess there is a good bit of chance involved.

When I was active with the ST forum (there were two, similar to the two for the Rocket) there were two reported ST / deer collisions, and in both cases, the ST passed through the deer, remaining upright, and commenting how the Adrenalin rush from the collision was quickly surpassed by the overpowering stench of the sticky deer innards.

I echo everyone else - so glad you are still here to tell the tale.
Stupid deer. We have hogs in the south, has greatly curtailed my night time rides. And I ride with as much padded riding gear as the weather allows. Glad you and nephew are ok. Hope nephew will follow uncle and ride himself some day.
Glad you are all okay.

A friend of mine got his motorcycle licence at 75 years of age, and then met Bambi the next year. A couple of broken ribs, some bike repairs, and ten years later he is still riding.

I once had a deer jump over me when I was riding. The bloke behind me said that it missed my head by inches.
Moose are the problem here at night in the early fall season...(otherwise it is mostly light all night in the summer) A friend of mine survived slamming into a moose on his Goldwing a number of years ago, he was knocked unconscious and suffered quite a few broken bone injuries (as one might expect a moose does not move much when you hit them!) but was lucky that the first driver on the scene was a nurse. After several years of rehab he got back on the bike but went in to the hospital to have surgery on a bad case of hemorrhoids and came out in a body bag...go figure

I saw that video, cut the deer in half, and rode away on the bike.