Bike down deer dead.

Good to hear both of you are ok, make sure to get back in the saddle as soon as you can to replace the bad memory with good.

Hope the Rocket is only slightly scraped too!
No brakes ? There goes that idea. I thought if I ever got in the situation again, it might be better just to plow the fugger without using the brakes. I saw a YouTube video where a guy on an Electra Glide smucks one without slowing and the deer went flying and he was fine, barly a wobble.
There are two main concerns for me with riding, hitting a deer/elk/dog/bear/moose and getting rear ended.

A couple of years ago my cousin and I crossed the border at Carway Alberta into Montana, intending to stay outside of Glacierat St Marys for the night. Hwy 89 in Montana is a beautiful two lane road that became heavily wooded. As we came around a blind bend there was a herd of cattle standing in the road and I almost plowed into one. A mile or so down the road we saw a sign that read, "Caution. Cattle on Road". No kidding. Thanks for the too late warning.

That's where I learned about open range laws. If you hit one, it's your fault and hitting one would have been like hitting an Abrams tank.

So glad you're ok. As we all know, many don't survive these encounters.