Yep, this was me in my youth.
My revenue stream always had cash flow so I could travel at will.
Long days of riding and stopping for a three coarse meal (Two beers and a pie) somewhere was all it took.
Back then I would head out with ten $10 notes in my R/H pocket, time for gas or a meal, I'd dip into that R/h pocket, pull out a tenner and put the change in my L/H pocket.
When I ran out of tens, I'd head for home.
Getting home (sometimes only just) with no coin left was a 100% successful trip. 
All of this done on either a 1952 Matchless 500 single (15-16years old) a 750 Norton Combat Commando (the hot ones, and yes I did blow it to bits, many times) (16-19) then a string of Triumph Triples (19 to present
Man, I saw the country, meet a heap of great people and LIVED LIFE