Bike Bandit BLOG: Large motorcycles are a dying segment

Full Disclosure - I have a Fat Bob and really like it for what it is. I wanted something basic without a lot of electronics, bags, faring, etc and it is the only H-D I have ever owned or even wanted to own. They only made it like mine for 3 years and then changed the styling somewhat which I don't really care for. It is the first and very likely only H-D that I will ever own and I have owned a lot of great bikes over the years...

A lot of the guys I ride with are hard core H-D and think the sun rises and sets in H-D's corporate a$$. They are addicted to all things H-D and will spend a beautiful sunny Summer day (we don't get all that many in the short Maine Summer) hanging out in the big H-D dealership looking and drooling over the many over-priced, under-performing H-D models even though their loaded H-D is 1-2 years old?!?

A couple of them are starting to see the light though since they are realizing that much of a H-D is manufactured overseas and assembled in the U.S. They especially notice it when they get H-D OEM parts in boxes that say "Made in China" and they often have to modify to fit properly. One of them (who was always "Mr. H-D") has become outright blasphemous and based on my recommendation for a new Kawasaki Voyager has decided to get one when he replaces his H-D. The Voyager is loaded out similar to the Ultra Classic and retails for around $17K, about half the cost of a comparable H-D. With the reliability of Japanese bikes, all you do is change the oil and tires and RIDE!

One thing I will give H-D is their marketing has brought them much success. When I am riding my other bikes, I sometimes have clueless people ask me why I'm not riding a H-D, like it's a money thing?!? No, it's not about money, I just refuse to drink the H-D Kool-Aid and I want actual performance, not just noise...
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what is a millenial???
At least it's easy to see how they earned the name Generation Y.

YEP they are running out of GEEZERS like us to buy the BIG overpriced LAND YACHTS the young riders want normal sized fun better performing bikes
AMEN. My 900 pound plus Vic Vision would crush mere millenials with spindley legs. They're too busy fighting the majority right now to ride. You can get more of them in a Leaf or Prius than on a motorcycle.
Thank goodness my nephew likes to get his hands dirty.....skinny jeans yes, but he can turn a wrench.
My son just turned 34, my daughter is 27 - They are millennials in age grouping only - Shockingly they both graduated from The University of Texas (can you say U of progressivism?) but they are as for from living & acting like these group of thumb suckers as you can get............. Maybe something to do with the fact that their Mommy & Daddy never gave them a chance to feel that lure of entitlement
Oh, and Cody's "quads" are too big for skinny jeans. Must be he don't "skip leg day"
Wow, I'm not a millennial, but some of you guys are making me feel very young...