Bike Bandit BLOG: Large motorcycles are a dying segment

There aren't any millenials here....they don't ride, so they've no interest in discussing riding. My nephew in high school, there is hope for him...but only because I shepherd him along......I am building him a Sportster that I picked up cheep. Rat rod sort of thing. Apes, forwards, tractor seat.
Millennials represent just over 8% of the visitors to this site, and only a small percentage post.

I have a couple Millennials that support me in my real life, they are the high-performers of the team. They both have three kids, happy marriages, large houses, expensive cars, and one owns rental property. Doesn't mean that there aren't occasions where I still help them, but they are great to work with.

However, they don't listen to heavy metal or ride motorcycles. Can't say that I'll be able to fix that in the time I got left
At least they still have good hearing and music taste!
THE new BIG bikes are being sold to the OLD overweight geezers that want a bike equipped like a car that looks like a 1950s bike and I saw a few HARLEYS that cost over $ 50,000 no wonder they are not selling I can buy a new CORVETTE for that price and they are a bunch of underpowered air cooled old shhool V TWIN . designs that the HD and Indiian owners like .
Glad to be able to say that most millennials in my small corner of the earth still drag through the swamps like their fathers, and grandfathers did, fishing, trapping, and hunting, even going out at night grabbing frogs bare handed from snake, and gator infested water. They still respect their elders, and will stand against uneven odds to defend a woman. Sad to say they aren't the in majority in this country. They do like the new technology, but still appreciate their heritage.
Large motorcycle registrations down; HD hit hardest; millennials just not that in to motorcycles
Did you read any of the comments on that article? The Harley faithful think Harleys are the best MCs ever manufactured, if you don't ride one it's because you can't afford it or you are not cool. (Someone actually wrote that). I think Harley-Davidson thinks the same way which is why they won't change anything.