Big red button...

Hello Kenny and another welcome from Virginia,,,er actually Washington State at the moment. You will be fine as long as you stay out of South Park...
I am in Rougemont, NC in the States, near Durham/Raleigh.

Welcome from about 40 miles east of ya! I would have just told Dave @scot in exile you were in the suburbs of Berea. Speaking of that, is that place Munching Marvins up on 158 still open?

Did you pick it up from Richard and company over at Fox's over in Roxborro?
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Big welcome from Arkansas! Lived out in Wilmington for about a year, really miss riding around Kure Beach.
Welcome to the nut house. We might not be experts but we muddle thru problems pretty good here. Other then assecories i would leave her alone for a while. But it really depends on your dealers ability and attitude when it comes to warranty work.
Another welcome from across the pond in Australia..
Enjoy the ride..
NO not here mateLOL/////////lots to be learnt here my good friend/////RABBIT under ground mutton....
NO not hereLOL///// there is a lot to be learnt here my friend//////RABBIT//// under ground mutton