Bevel box/final drive repair (non-serviceable per Triumph - VGB did it - bet others can too)

Molykote is what I've used for my splines for years.

Now for the non servicablility of the bevel box. If you think about how many over the years has had any problems internally the percentage is so low you might as well not do the math. Sure the splines will wear on the drive shaft and spline cup if you do not grease it. And if you drain them and not refill them then your going to have problems. But as a bike owner and your own mechanic how many of you have rebuilt the bevel box? Should everyone have the tools to rebuild something that will probably need rebuilding. And who's going to pay for all these internal parts stock and the tooling. For something Triumph doesn't even build they buy from the Italians. That would be kind of wapsided ! If that type of thought process just would work when your buying components from everywhere just to make one assembly. Anyway is sucks but man is it racist that you can get a black bevel box so much cheaper then the grey one
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Thanks and absolutely, I've got a gray one. Factory replaced original one less than 1,500 miles, 05 model, my brother owned the bike then.

That stuff comes in several formulas. Which #formula do you use?
That stuff comes in several formulas. Which #formula do you use?
I use the G-N assembly paste. Its consistency is about as thick as the Moly60 and other high temperature grease. They make much good stuff even for the mining industries. I used the same stuff on F-14 Tomcats and catapult foot plates for launching. So I figure if it's good enough for aircraft it must be good enough for the Rockets. At least it's still there every time I check; still fresh looking like right out of the tub.
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Does this stuff have s high enough concentration of Moly grease? The MSDS shows only 14-18%

Does this stuff have s high enough concentration of Moly grease? The MSDS shows only 14-18%

I'll let you know if I ever where one out. Between all my rockets I used it for 100,000 miles. Looks and acts just like the old honda moly60 paste. If ya het it on your clothes DO NOT PUT THEM IN YOUR WASHING MACHINE!!!!!!! If you're married