Better battery?

I did duel battery cables and a Toyota starter, spins fast hot or cold.
Same, starts first time every time.
They are specifically known for not liking cold, why I never went that route in NY, here in Florida I probably could.
Well that battery went bad real quick., bought a charger that works with lithiums and couldnt get it above 3.5 volts. Sent it back to Amazon, now back to square one. By the way, I tried putting the old battery in and keeping it on the tender, and it didnt start this morning.
It might take a few days on a tender charger. If you could jump start with a car battery and let the alternator speed up the charge or put it on an old fashioned 2 amp charger.
If you're wanting to stay Li, then maybe look into this battery thread.....I looked and there isn't a US distributer so you'd have to order directly from them.

Lately I've had 100% bad luck buying anything vehicle related on Amazon, I will not buy from them anymore. I think sellers are selling counterfeit items
or factory rejects just to keep up with demand. I've been bringing a 1995 Grand Cherokee back from the dead. I replaced all of these bought locally at
NAPA and paid more but guess what? they worked. I did everything twice buying junk from Amazon, below is a list of FAILED items bought on Amazon.
I'm just giving an example, the battery you bought just seems to fit with my experience.
Below all happened in a three-month period.
  1. Spectra Complete Radiator CU1396: Where the core met the plastic side it poured coolant, BAD leak. They claim 100% factory testing and are ISO.
  2. Stant 10230 Radiator Cap: Didn't seal, wouldn't build pressure and leaked with coolant running down the radiator. Stant usually make top quality products.
  3. Hayden Automotive 2796 Premium Fan Clutch: locked up and wouldn't unlock. Hayden is a respected name.
  4. Stant thermostat stuck open.
  5. KYB steering stabilizer poured oil two weeks after installation
Very interesting. I do it for the convenience, and ease of returns. Heck, they let me keep one lead battery, will be fine for my John Deere, just not for a FatBoy.