You are correct sire, But every now and then you do run into honest good deals. Its not that its cheap or that its cheaper priced. It is how ever pound for pound the best value for mileage verses price, traction. You also can find higher priced tires. that are no way as good as the exedra max. Now if your looking to increase your down force on the front well there is only one kind of tire that does that which would be a taller diameter tire. like the max or you can buy a 18 inch rim for a bunch of money then the 240/40 tires will be a little taller then the 240/50. Yet neither is as large a diameter as the 240/55.
I haven't tried the new cobra chromes I ran their other cobra tires before and yes had them recalled to. hear we go again!!! So right now I will stick with the Battle cruise h50 tires to see if the longevity and grip they advertise is real.
I think that depends on the bike and it's intended market. Most R3 owners do not "hoon". Most Pannigale owners probably do to some extent. And sometimes one is just "lucky".
I think that depends on the bike and it's intended market. Most R3 owners do not "hoon". Most Pannigale owners probably do to some extent. And sometimes one is just "lucky".
Other option increasing downforce : Putting the bike more on his 'nose' by raising the back ( adjustable shocks) or raising frontlegs a bit through their yokes.