Best Rocket3 Pipes I've had so far

I almost asked the question about the header on Geoff's because it appears that he has the stock header. It is not a full on clear shot butt is somewhat in view in the one pic.

Also, I know the coating you use has been discussed in a couple of threads but it was like I was coming in late. Bedifferent mentioned his set that you are making being sent off to the powder coaters in another thread. I found that the 1200 deg F rated powder coats would not stick to even exhaust shields. What coating do you use. I've thought about ceramic coating the exhaust shields on my son's Rocket after the powder coating has failed twice.

Powder coating is just paint Mike.
Check out => hpcoatings > Exhaust Heat Management
This is a high temp coating that will not burn off, it also has an internal Ceramic heat barrier coating as part of the process.
Powder coating is just paint Mike.
Check out => hpcoatings > Exhaust Heat Management
This is a high temp coating that will not burn off, it also has an internal Ceramic heat barrier coating as part of the process.

I guess it's kind of paint. The 1200 deg stuff was advertised as suitable for exhaust heat shields but it clearly failed on my Rocket. The coating company finally quit using it.

I'm wondering if we have access to that HP Coating here in the US. Ceramic has been used on exhausts for years and is fairly durable. The Thunderheader I installed on my Harley Super Glide was black ceramic coated and it is still looking good.


Whilst HPC (High Performance Coatings) was originally developed in the USA, there are only two branches now, Auckland NZ, and Victoria Australia.

Jet Hot there in the USA was started up in opposition to HPC and are now the only people to see there Mike.
Thanks Paul. I just looked them up and they are in North Carolina. In addition to coating they also carry a line of headers for bikes and autos.


How odd it is that HPC closed up shop here and moved down under.
paul----how much for your complete system including the headers--in u.s.$$ will also plan on doing triple K+N's to open up the top end..thanks bike is a 2006 classic

Looks great!

Any chance of hearing the sound of them?

I think we all are curious