Best place to ride in the U.S.?

I'm still looking forward to the ride up Mount Whitney, I think. Friend's who have done it thought it was pretty spectacular, to include looking down over the road at the back of a Bald Eagle soaring below. One guy had to get the O2 at the top. My son-in-law ran up the darn thing.

On Leg 1 of this year's Iron Butt Rally, one of my bonus locations was the summit sign on Beartooth Highway. Note the date in the picture below.

I also earned a bit of infamy due to this bonus. One of the common tasks in the IBR is called the "Phone-in Bonus". Basically you call a phone bank and leave a message during a specified time window. The message includes: 1) who you are, 2) your rider number, 3) where you are now, 4) your last bonus claimed, and 5) your next planned bonus. I stopped in Red Lodge on my way to this bonus to make my call-in. Due to fatigue or whatever, I repeatedly referred to my next bonus as Bluetooth Highway. I did it 3 times before I got it right and called it Beartooth Highway.
I went through a month later than you did, the snow banks were still there.
Great pic. What were you riding. It is certainly loaded for the long haul. I think you need more instrumentation though.
Ya never know about the Beartooth weather!
My first ride of the Beartooth was October 6, 2006-my 60th B-Day.
Road clear, sun shining, and no snow! Temps were at 40°.
For me twas a religious experience and I ain't even religious!


Actually higher is possible . . . Mt. Evans 14,265' and not very far away.
hight has nothing to do with anything. Its all about prominence. You can find this in in colorado but other lower mountains can look bigger.
Ah New Hampshire CARVE THE NOTCH !!!!!!!
Don't forget bear notch, then cut to hurricane mountain road up Rt 16 in maine then hammer down up to Errol nh. Or just hammer it to rangely spend the night and head to bar harbor to hammer the Acadia national park loop road at first light in the morning..... I could go on and on. The whole country has hidden gems.