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Here's a couple pics of the clutch arm.

I am wondering about the function of the washer I left out. From the exploded views it is not a necessary part, that's why I haven't re-installed it. If someone knows if it is necessary please let me know.
I remember there was a washer that could go in or be left out.
I think that you need to adjust the lower
Turn the bottom nut counterclockwise
A couple turns down then bring the top bolt down and see how that works.
But remember you have to have free play before you ride.
The bottom cable adjustment is where I left it after several attempts to get the clutch adjusted properly. Before that the adjustment was in the middle of the threaded portion. Never the less I'll do as you say and adjust as you describe to see if that works.
Alternatively, couldn't I just adjust the cable to where the clutch just dis-engages fully with the lever pinned against the hand grip, and where it starts to engage as soon as the lever is released from the hand grip? Wouldn't that ensure that there is enough free play?

Thanks for your help by the way!

no u can not just adjust it to feel
u can do that for test purpose
but if you can't get the free play correct then you need someone that is good at adjusting clutches
use little finger on the lever (lightly) to find free play.