3 topics that will get a thread locked;
Trump vs Pelossi.
Catholics vs Jehova's witnesses
Car vs MC tires.
With the latest one creating more controversy than the other 2.
Let the fun begin
It’s interesting how polarizing these topics are among riders. People have flamed me for repairing a motorcycle tire! People argue vigorously about which oil is better, and on and on.
Do you folks. But at least get educated andMotorcycle riders and our neighbors should be able to rise above our current political division
3 topics that will get a thread locked;
Trump vs Pelossi.
Catholics vs Jehova's witnesses
Car vs MC tires.
With the latest one creating more controversy than the other 2.
Let the fun begin
Hahahahaha, Lupe gave Guzzi Dan his Rocket with a car tire and rode a different bike when we were out there. At the gas station a mile from his house, Dan got off the Rocket and said "trade bikes, I'm not riding that thing with a car tire".