I don’t know what it’s like in other countries, but I’ve always found that the worst for daft comments in the U.K. are the Brand snobs!
There was a time here it would be the Harley snobs not acknowledging other brands, but since HDs got more accessible, it seems to have drifted towards one model “Owners Clubs”.
The worst I’ve found tend to be Gold Winge owners, they hate it because they don’t have the biggest and exclusive machines! Good example was that arrogant twat who I mentioned in an earlier post.
Funny you mention Gold Wing owners.
A number of years back I did the IAM course, locally.
The main honcho's in the 'management' within the local group were G-W riders. I was allocated an 'assessor' on my first meet. A newly qualified member, which was fine. He was a nice enough guy, but I felt almost straight away, that the G-W riding couple of group leaders had ego's far bigger than their bikes.
Every time I met the group at the start of my assessment ride, the people in charge would never speak to me in a way that felt quite right. They acted like they were a clique on their own. Above the others. They would never acknowledge me or ask how things were going. They would just hang with each other.
Just strange, in my opinion.
I never heard them talking about bikes either. They weren't Policemen, but they acted like they were pretending to be.......You know the type....drunk on power/superiority.
I haven't mixed with G-W riders much over the years. Hardly at all, but those three or four guys at the IAM group, didn't give me a positive impression.
I do think, that there is something, with this brand group thing. If folk feel the need to only ride with people who have the same bike, they do generally appear to ignore other riders. Not a very respectful or friendly way to go about things. It's certainly not my way.
To me, a bike is a bike. It doesn't matter what it is. i'll keep an open mind & a respectful manner to all motorcyclists, as a rule.