Best Comment from Non-Rocket Owner?


.040 Over
Sep 15, 2024
Loveland Colorado USA
2022 Rocket 3 GT
Right Side.jpg

So..... it's 25deg and the magnificent beast is hibernating in the garage until Spring. Itching to wake it up and feel the thrust.
Wait....the highway department just dumped a deadly combination of sand, gravel and Mag Chloride on my favorite roads.

I'm bored and thought it would be fun to hear YOUR favorite comments from non-Rocket owners. I've only had mine for 3 months and best
I've heard, so far, is while filling up at a local gas station. A guy in his 50's walked up, gave it a look and said,
"That's a bad ass looking bike....I'm not mature enough to ride that"

What's yours?
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Around ten years ago, I was a a bike rally. Bloke who was parked next to me, started examining my Rocket.
Started humming an harring, looked up and said “You’ve a car for a bike there mate!”……….excuse me? …… You got a car there! 😳
So I look him in the eyes and says….. errrr….Ive not got an 1800 flat six (Scooby), reverse gear, airbag, heated grips and seat, nor have I got Satnav, radio, abs, traction control, or panniers and a trunk!
Pray tell me who’s got the car? …. Idiot went bright red and wandered off muttering!!!
Not sure if it's a good or a bad thing, but pretty much all of the comments i've had are from people who aren't bikers. Just folks walking past when i'm near the bike.
- They stop.
- Stand and look at it for a good few seconds. If there is more than one, they discuss it and point at various bits of the bike with a fair amount of interest.
- Then they often look towards me (i'e. the guy with the bike gear on) and say something very positive to me and then begin to walk on, while still taking in, the lines of the bike, as if they have seen something remarkable.

Generalising a bit, but, the bikers in the region where I live are a particular breed. Old boy-racers mainly....or....GS Adventure riders (who generally think they are superior to the rest of us) They generally try to ignore it.
I think that they see it as a trophy bike. A statement of wealth over function (???)
I think they don't know what they are like to ride, so they just imagine it's a bit of a tank with a Rolex clock.
They won't ask me about the bike probably because it would show their lack of knowledge.
While doing a gas-up during "Run For The Wall" in 2009 I pulled up to the guy with the hose, he took a look at my bike, his eyes went wide and he exclaimed "140 Cubic Inches!!??!!" (he'd read my new oil tank badge replacing the 2300CC badge). I just smiled.
Not sure if it's a good or a bad thing, but pretty much all of the comments i've had are from people who aren't bikers. Just folks walking past when i'm near the bike.
- They stop.
- Stand and look at it for a good few seconds. If there is more than one, they discuss it and point at various bits of the bike with a fair amount of interest.
- Then they often look towards me (i'e. the guy with the bike gear on) and say something very positive to me and then begin to walk on, while still taking in, the lines of the bike, as if they have seen something remarkable.

Generalising a bit, but, the bikers in the region where I live are a particular breed. Old boy-racers mainly....or....GS Adventure riders (who generally think they are superior to the rest of us) They generally try to ignore it.
I think that they see it as a trophy bike. A statement of wealth over function (???)
I think they don't know what they are like to ride, so they just imagine it's a bit of a tank with a Rolex clock.
They won't ask me about the bike probably because it would show their lack of knowledge.
I don’t know what it’s like in other countries, but I’ve always found that the worst for daft comments in the U.K. are the Brand snobs!
There was a time here it would be the Harley snobs not acknowledging other brands, but since HDs got more accessible, it seems to have drifted towards one model “Owners Clubs”.
The worst I’ve found tend to be Gold Winge owners, they hate it because they don’t have the biggest and exclusive machines! Good example was that arrogant twat who I mentioned in an earlier post.