I was liking the look of that Rocket in the background when he was talking to the lass called Grace. Liked the rear fender kit and rack and the wire rack on the tank.
As a matter of fact i know exactly what it feels like what a rush, awesome event awesome video. Its pretty cool knowing the Widowmaker is the fastest touring on the planet with a slip
we have got to get this event in America
I was liking the look of that Rocket in the background when he was talking to the lass called Grace. Liked the rear fender kit and rack and the wire rack on the tank.
I didn't use my bike on track, but I did manage 70mph on the motorway going to and from the event.......no Rocket or UK law was broken during this event
I didn't use my bike on track, but I did manage 70mph on the motorway going to and from the event.......no Rocket or UK law was broken during this event
As a matter of fact i know exactly what it feels like what a rush, awesome event awesome video. Its pretty cool knowing the Widowmaker is the fastest touring on the planet with a slip
we have got to get this event in America