Beast Mode

I finally put the tune on my bike about a month ago, even though I had everything to do it for about 6 months before that. My biggest concern was my warranty and the extended warranty I purchased as well. I finally said to myself, screw it...I'm going to put it on anyway as I can always put the old map back on if needed.

So far, everything that has been said about the tune is true. The bike performs so much better in the first three gears and the bike just runs out so much smoother over the total spectrum. You have to ask....why doesn't Triumph use a tune like this to begin with? I know, it's about complying with emissions standards as well, but are motorcycles really that big a problem. I've found the mileage to be a little less (two to three MPG less), but I didn't buy the bike for mileage. I'd rather have the bike run a little more on the rich side anyway.
or as we call him..The Punk

Please let me know when you plan on relating that to Marshawn.
Perhaps at the next game with the 49ers?
I shall meet you there, just to watch!
Please let me know when you plan on relating that to Marshawn.
Perhaps at the next game with the 49ers?
I shall meet you there, just to watch!
I might be crazy enough to ride a bike with the largest production engine, but, I'm not suicidal.
Hey! M. Lynch is my star RB on my fantasy team. I need him healthy and not worrying about what you guys say on this forum...