Houston may not be the greatest city to compare anything to if you are trying to make the case that democratic control results in failed cities and high crime. Houston proper is a liberal paradise that elects the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee. Very entertaining, but says some of the dumbest $hit I've ever heard come out of a politicians mouth. Google her some time...entertainment value is well worth the effort
The best line I've ever heard about Houston is in the move Best Little Whorehouse in Texas when Burt Reynolds is smacking Dom Delouise around and tells him to "Get back to that stink hole you call Houston".
Yeah, Sheila Jackson Lee, a real intellectual giant.
Houston may not be the greatest city to compare anything to if you are trying to make the case that democratic control results in failed cities and high crime. Houston proper is a liberal paradise that elects the likes of Sheila Jackson Lee. Very entertaining, but says some of the dumbest $hit I've ever heard come out of a politicians mouth. Google her some time...entertainment value is well worth the effort