Be Proud TEXAS

Likin' youse even more, Brother!

I like you too, but when I hear terms like libtards, I assume the person speaking has no intelligent argument. I know a lot of bright people who are both conservative and liberal, different people hold different values and beliefs depending upon what is most important to them.
Libtards, crybaby's, and the list goes on. Weak individuals that can not stand up for themselves or run and hide when confronted verbally or other wise. Nice picture but very far from reality. It's all worth a good laugh anyhow.

The problem with FL as a whole is ther is no state inspection. In South FL we have a large number of junkers on the road that the owners don’t care about. So they drive like fookin idiots and tear up others nice vehicles.

But I can assure you, there are at least 2 autos in South FL that have no dents or scratches.
I like you too, but when I hear terms like libtards, I assume the person speaking has no intelligent argument. I know a lot of bright people who are both conservative and liberal, different people hold different values and beliefs depending upon what is most important to them.

Libtards, crybaby's, and the list goes on. Weak individuals that can not stand up for themselves or run and hide when confronted verbally or other wise. Nice picture but very far from reality. It's all worth a good laugh anyhow.

Relax, tis just a joke.
All the crap tossed at Trump and we can't take a joke?
I should have avoided politics.
Let's talk about God versus religion now . . .