Be Proud TEXAS

Ah, come on Chris, we love libbers too . . . especially yourself!!!
Come west to RAA, Amigo!
WA is an ultra libber state and still beautiful!
well except for Seattle, now taken over by the car driving "homeless".

Steve, I deleted a post that he was prolly referring to & I have no prob with that. My mouths a little too loud sometimes. I love Chris too
Haha, I'm a registered Conservative, people just forgot what the word means. William F Buckley and Barry Goldwater were conservatives, today's crop are something completely different.
Haha, I'm a registered Conservative, people just forgot what the word means. William F Buckley and Barry Goldwater were conservatives, today's crop are something completely different.

And in New York?!?
You are indeed a brave minority!
I wouldn't trust that driver with a gun besides two if they cannot back up a truck without planting a pole or similar in the fender!
Just sayin'

I would say NO pole hit there, Ish.
Looks more like a side amack when the gate was open.