Battery powered heated motorcycle gloves

Interesting story.
What was Jeff's part in all this?
Decent long gauntlet gloves are hard to find in any form, I had a nice set of leather long gauntlet, I can't find them anywhere.
Look up GoldTop Despatch Rider gloves. Old UK company that are remaking. - scroll down - quite a few Gauntlet.

I still have my very first pair of Goldtop lined gloves in the garage somewhere. The wool lining wore out - but the the leather is still fine. Vintage early 1980's.
I bought a jacket liner, gloves and dual control probably 112 years ago and all were madi in USA.
Interesting story.
What was Jeff's part in all this?
The Gerbing who lives near me is Bob and his wife. I just called the friend who knows him well and I was a bit off. Apparently the son who took control of the company and started outsourcing to China did not do well and sold the company.. The father, Gordon Gerbing then started up Gordon's with other family members, of which Bob is one. I've only met Bob and his wife and don't know Jeff. If he is the one who took control of Gerbings then he is apparently not involved.

My friend who has given be the back story has ridden motorcycles with Bob on the Southworth/Fauntelroy Ferry for many years. It was one of that group who was killed just down the street from me a couple of months ago