Yup, made in China. This is one of the reasons one of the Gerbing family members formed Gordon's, because the brother that took over the company started having everything mad in China.
I think rather than fix mine, I'm going to send them back. With one battery acting up and the gauntlets being too tight, I think they need to go back.
Look up GoldTop Despatch Rider gloves. Old UK company that are remaking. https://www.goldtop.co.uk/ - scroll down - quite a few Gauntlet.
I still have my very first pair of Goldtop lined gloves in the garage somewhere. The wool lining wore out - but the the leather is still fine. Vintage early 1980's.
I checked one of my Gerbing gloves and none of the 4 labels sewn inside the gauntlets gave a clue about where it was manufactured. Then I looked at my heated jacket liner and it says, "Made In USA". Then I went back to the gloves and seeing the other glove had different labels from the first glove I looked at I started digging again and finally found, "Made In China" on the backside of a label. I was thinking I bought the gloves and jacket about 8 or 9 years ago but I see the gloves are dated August 2012 so can't be more than 7 years old.
The Gerbing who lives near me is Bob and his wife. I just called the friend who knows him well and I was a bit off. Apparently the son who took control of the company and started outsourcing to China did not do well and sold the company.. The father, Gordon Gerbing then started up Gordon's with other family members, of which Bob is one. I've only met Bob and his wife and don't know Jeff. If he is the one who took control of Gerbings then he is apparently not involved.
My friend who has given be the back story has ridden motorcycles with Bob on the Southworth/Fauntelroy Ferry for many years. It was one of that group who was killed just down the street from me a couple of months ago
And I foolishly sold it all a year later. I was pondering my poor decision years later on the final day's RT 66 500 mile ride in torrential rain and sleet. I could not feel my hands and was sure that my nipples had frozen to my shirt.
I'm in sunny Colorado Springs working on my pad and don't know how to shift screens but just looked it up on my phone. Try www.gordonsheated.com
It has a pic of a Triumph Thunderbird on the home page