Battery powered heated motorcycle gloves

I had similar problem with the gauntlets on my 2XL Gerbings. They would not fit over my jacket sleeves. Took them to local shoe repair guy, showed him where to cut 4" long slits from the glove bottom edges upward to miss the wiring. He sewed leather trim onto the cut edges and now they fit over my jacket sleeves and look like they came from the factory this way.
We bought Savior battery gloves and they run small but they are warm without the power on and I have not needed any more than the medium setting so far. I have no idea how long the battery lasts yet but I expect less than three hours on high.
RockOn, thanks so much for those pics. I've been thinking of doing the same thing and this evening was feeling along the outside of the gauntlet to see if there were any wires that would be a problem. I also discussed it with our forum member Quickie69. I stopped by his house last night to try on his 2XLs and while as expected, they were too big, the **** gauntlets were the same.

There is a wonderful lady in our area who does beautiful leather work, custom vests, jackets, chaps etc. I'm going to take them to her with a couple of your pics to see if she can open up the gauntlets. What is most odd is that Gerbing would make a glove with the tight gauntlets, well, unless yours were made in China as our mine. Gerbings used to be made in USA until the breakup when the brother who ended up with the company started having them made by the CHICOMS.

Yes, exactly.....why make the gauntlet too tight to fit over our sleeves? Seems like they could have easily designed them to be adjustable with Velcro or elastic or a simple pull string. I'll have to check my gloves to see where they were made but I suspect China as are many things I buy. Good luck with the leather lady.
The problem I had with the battery gloves I owned for a short period before returning them....Li batteries. I charged them up, rode about 5 minutes from the house and they died. Figured they weren't charged long enough (first outing). Charged them longer, went on the next ride-same thing. Then I found out they were working fine when I got indoors. Called Gerbing and they asked what the outside temp was. When I told them 17*, they said, yeah the battery gloves don't work down that low because the Li batteries are too cold. WTF? why would I need heated gloves that don't work when it's cold outside. SOOOO, keep in mind if it's really cold outside, may want to stick w/ 12V gloves. Got them now, and never had another issue riding well down into the teens and even single digits.
When I told them 17*, they said, yeah the battery gloves don't work down that low because the Li batteries are too cold. WTF? why would I need heated gloves that don't work when it's cold outside.
That's like the seats at Lambeau Field which are solar heated. Apparently they are very warm in Summer.

Yup, made in China. This is one of the reasons one of the Gerbing family members formed Gordon's, because the brother that took over the company started having everything mad in China.

I think rather than fix mine, I'm going to send them back. With one battery acting up and the gauntlets being too tight, I think they need to go back.
Decent long gauntlet gloves are hard to find in any form, I had a nice set of leather long gauntlet, I can't find them anywhere.

I checked one of my Gerbing gloves and none of the 4 labels sewn inside the gauntlets gave a clue about where it was manufactured. Then I looked at my heated jacket liner and it says, "Made In USA". Then I went back to the gloves and seeing the other glove had different labels from the first glove I looked at I started digging again and finally found, "Made In China" on the backside of a label. I was thinking I bought the gloves and jacket about 8 or 9 years ago but I see the gloves are dated August 2012 so can't be more than 7 years old.