Baja LP6 Light Install?


Sr. Pastor, iLive Church
Jul 6, 2012
Scottsville, KY
2012 R3R
Has anyone done a Baja LP6 Light swap? I did this on my road glide and love the look / daytime brightness so people see me coming. I rarely ride the Rocket at night but have a fabricator onboard that's willing to figure it out. I remember seeing a pic last year on the internet (I believe it was out of Egypt) where someone had it but it was only a pic of the bike and no details. Search isn't finding anything now.
Looked at that light vids. There are also chinese clones abound. Some are like $25. Sure one can say that the original one is engineered to a T, but, $500 v $25..

Clone $25:

Clone $200:

Anyway, the info above is probably a red herring, my actual issue with these, the lights are for OFF-road. I am afraid these will blind the bajeezus out of the people in front. From all the vids I seen, I have not noticed any top cutoff, as with normal lights. These just shine ahead. All the review vids show how they blind the bajeezus out of the landscape ahead.

So far, I am not convinced they are a replacement for factory lights. Of cause I don't have any experience with these, I am just speculating from the available info I so far seen.

From what I know about cops, even if they are lazy to act upon a driver attracting attention, they will be triggered by a driver blinding them.
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I already run them on my Harley and they are bright. I have a dimmer mod going in so I can cut the light output and I’m changing lenses to reduce the side fill…. But my rocket will mostly only see the day time rides and the super bright lights for sure are seen by cars in the day time. My main purpose for swapping
Not sure why people outside of Europe like amber lights. In Europe it seems like something everyone has, so, people repeat the pattern of behavior (also it is possible the laws demand it). But in USA amber front lights are generally not a thing (other than an occasional install).

Now with advent of highpower LEDs that can produce sun like 6K light, you can shine and see everything in day-like colors. Using amber is like making everything two tone, much harder for the brain to see 3D in what looks like 2D.
Amber helps a lot in fog (which we have a lot of where I live) and cuts through the rain much better than white light. It also helps in dusty off-road conditions (while not on the bike - I do ride off road as well) and so there’s a great reason to have them…

In the US - the ambers are illegal to run if you only have amber. Although it’s not strictly enforced - it is why you see the one white / one Amber light combos

Also, Amber is great and sticks out more during daytime usage and isn’t as common as white so it’s seen better