I searched this website and I found one picture of a carpenter racing pipe with a pretty cool baffle on it. He said that he had gotten it through them, but on the phone they said they don't sell them. Anybody know a place I can get one that'll fit a pipe that big and actually quiet it down? I already have the pipe, I just really don't want to put it on till I can silence it a little bit. I wouldn't care but this is my daily driver. I appreciate the help, sorry if the answer is obvious I just couldn't find a solution.
Just got a pm, Samson a-161 baffle. He said he had to cut it down a bit, that was from torpedo... Haven't heard from warp, but I imagine he's dealing with a lot right now from what I've read. I want to put a tip on it too from Samson, so I can paint it black and have a chrome tip.
Not yet, but I expect it to. I'm going to put insulation there for now and eventually extend the pipe back a bit.
BTW, I've already got my Samson baffle in. It did tone it down a little but not a huge amount; I think it's probably enough and still sounds really good.