Bad Voltage Regulator ...OR?

That is the part number -- don't understand the bit about extra wire -- there isn't any required on the Rocket -- that's part of the beauty.

As others have stated, it'll need to go forward because it is thicker than OEM and will NOT/NOT fit where the OEM one goes.

Now on the other hand, you being handy and all, you might make a new bracket for us ?

Otherwise, it'll need to go where your evaporative canister goes.

Sounds like a plan....
One of these days I am going to fab up a quick and dirty retainer using some of whatever raw stock the local hardware carries...yes we have actual hardware stores that actually sell things you can use, and not just glorified housewares. For now zip ties keep the thing from getting wayward.

Well, you know I am going to have to make a bracket and do a clean install. I just have to do it that way...I can't help myself. Looks like the canister will have to go. The part has been ordered! I'm throwing more money at this bike than a boat.

Ohhh...I could never use zip ties. I would lay away nights thinking about having done that. . Marge Howe would have my hide for that one God rest her soul.
Please, whatever you do, please make it transferrable. Make six brackets: first will be kind of rough -- the second though sixth will be production quality, set the prototype aside, install Number 2, and sell the other four. I'd like to get in line for Number Three please.

And how 'bout them pillion grab handles ?

I'll know more once I get into it. If I can figure out a simple way to do it, I'll see if I can make some up. I'm hoping I can make a plate and piggyback off the original maybe with some standoffs. but I have no clue what I'm dealing with at this point.
I observed that Triumph didn't have to shoehorn the unit in the trapezoid made by the vertical back of the engine block forward, the slope of the rear fender, the backward slant of the left side frame member, and drive shaft below. That said, the space is limited, and putting the new unit on top of the existing bracket didn't fit, and would involve relocating the tip-over switch (which will probably have to be done anyway).

And the existing bracket is welded to the frame, so this will not be a simple unbolt old, bolt in new proposition.

I've ambivalent about them grab handles....every one who rides pillion with me can sit like Buddha and enjoy the ride....they know they won't fall off. I just don't want to be an enabler. If folk start holding on they won't be able to stop!