backfire, low power, stalling. previous high idle

Tyler Bonser

.020 Over
Apr 19, 2018
2005 rocket III/2018 rocket III
Right to the point 2005 rocket 22,000 miles. Started to get a occasional high idle but would go away after a minute then started rarely getting a backfire when i would be lugging it down a bit then get on the throttle. Problem got worse so took it to a Triumph dealer. Just to point this out, didnt feel confident when the tech guy never even seen a rocket III. Came back after a few days, they said it was a factory recall issue and problem fixed.
After getting it home now its idling in the 2000-2500 rpm range more often than not. On the plus it had noticeably more power. Mileage took a nose dive. Before would get 130-160 miles before the fuel light came on, never got more than 120 after coming back from the dealer.
So obviously took it back. They never said what they did or the issue but they fixed the high idle issue and mileage came back but now it is backfiring often and stalling from time to time. Plus a loss in power. Before it would climb to 130+ mph with out even trying, now it seems to be a struggle to get to 120mph "closed course obviously haha". Dont go to fast anymore due to a severe front end shake/wobble but I will leave that for another post. I do get a strong gas smell from it every now and then. Any idea's before I take it to a different dealer?

At least a bad running rocket is still faster than most bikes!
Sound like your Trottle Position Sensor (TPS) may have gone south
So you both think the dealer would have missed that?

Yep, primary TPS, and don't be pissed at the dealer. The recall he was referring to was an idle problem and a map fix. So he really wasn't messing with you. Now your TPS is probably worn in an area that is not used during the ISCV reset. Put a new one in her she'll be fine after a full ISCV reset has be done. Because it's an older bike I'd check all vacuum lines and plug caps. And the low tension leads to the coils re-crimp them so they are snug on the spades.
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I had a high idle problem right after I bought my 05. Turned out it was a dirt buildup issue around the TPS that was corrected with spray lubricant
As far as your top Speed disappearing goes, it sounds like you may have had a tune in it that raised it and the dealer reflashed the ecu thus reinstating the factory 120mph limiter. When mine still had the limiter it felt like it just slowly ran out of steam. Now, not so much.
Regarding your wobble:

Steering Bearing is loose.

Where are you located? Doesn't say in profile.

Been there done that, you need a bit of maintenance thats all:

throttle issues: TPS etc etc (you will be wrestling with this stuff for ever, I have accepted this as the most annoying and weakest part of running a R3)
wobble: tires for sure, the big boy needs good shoes, else he will chuck a wobbly (more likely than the steering bearing, which is still a valid item to check). Also check the state of your shocks, a new set of those with good tires is like night and day... (been through this recently, my bike is unbelievable good to ride now, can't keep me off it!)
as for the fuel smell, a rocket scientist will tell you that launching a rocket with a fuel leak is a bad idea... it is meant to stay inside the rocket

Let us know how you went solving these problems, it all contributes to the collective knowledge.