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Moto 400 in Dawsonville, Ga will put the tire on for you Rider.
They will have you sign a liability waiver saying you won't sue if the tire fails.

They did not note on the work order that I bought in a car tire, though they did note "owner provided tire" or something like that. They have done a couple of repairs under warranty since I had it put on.

A trailer hitch or a car tire will not void a warranty, but as Flip said, "It might not void the warranty but it could be used for a warranty determination somewhere down the road."
Back when I had the car tire ( which the dearler had nothing to do with), I had some work done, 20,000 mile service I think, the owner had the service manager write on the ticket " motorcycle unsafe to operate with car tire" or something to that effect. Funny thing, when I brought the bike back for something else with the M.C. tire, they didn't write that it was now "safe" to operate
W Knoxville dealer

Destination is where I bought my bike, so should be non issue then. The bike only has 11,000 miles but was 2 years old in May so really is out of warranty anyhow. This tire should get me beyond 20,000 miles so next tire would be a mute point anyhow!
Found local tire/repair shop that will mount CT for my next one. Plan to go darkside at that point.
Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.
Moto 400

Is Moto 400 a Triumph dealer? That would be a nice ride though the mountains for me.
After the first 100 miles the reaction will be as good or better, imho. Once you are accustomed to the feel of the CT, you won't even notice that it's anything different.
do you ride dark side and what tire do you recommend? Thanks

Does the Maugneson Moss Act apply to motorcycles? or just cars? Here in Minnesota some car laws DO NOT apply to motorcycles, because bikes do not fall into the same class of vehicle. For example laws here that apply to medical injury coverage in cars are not applied to bikes. You get $20K personal injury in your car but none when you are on your bike, unless you purchase seperate coverage. I guess my point is, don't assume the law applies to bikes.
You are talking about 2 completly different things there.
the Magnuson-moss warranty act is refering to warranties.

The Magnuson-moss warranty act is a Federal Act and can't differ from state to state. It is not only about cars, it is about any product that has a warranty.

Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Magnuson-Moss Act

As far as insurance goes, laws vary from state to state. For example, in Georgia you have to have seperate insurance for every vehicle you own. The state sets the minimum limit and it's up to you if you want more.
Lemon laws do vary from state to state, Georgia doesn't even have a lemon law for motorcycles.

The Magnuson-moss warranty act is about warrantys, and is basicly to protect people from a company deciding not to honor a warranty.

It doesn't say anyone has to provide a warranty, but if provided, they have to abide by it.