5500? Wow, how do you ride?
Btw, I had the rear end kick out on me while making a left hand turn a couple of weeks ago. I counter-steered out of it, but it is a bit un-nerving, especially since I had just got the bike and was still getting used to it. I turned around and went back to see if there was sand or oil in the area, just trying to figure out why it happened (for my own piece of mind). I didn't see anything obvious, but when I put my foot down I almost dropped the bike. It was an oil slick.
You have to be VERY careful around here (Florida panhandle) this time a year because we get the afternoon pop up showers that are generated by the moisture coming off the gulf and the heat. It may be clear as a bell where you presently are, but be raining 2 miles away. The problem is it's so muggy, it can rain and 10 minutes later when you come through the area, the streets will appear to be dry. But, the oil will still be on the surface.
I think that's what happened to me.